Against all odds, discriminations, wars, killings and whatever unjust.

Tag: IranianDiaspora

The performance at Klangteppich III was performed live over distance by Orlando Boeykens in Berlin and Xeen in Istanbul. Here is the full-performance video release from our collaborating festival, Klangteppich. This have also became an alibi to make future plans, as a portion of their music is scheduled to be released in the compilation album Read more…

Klangteppich III, 2021 – Hadi Bastani,Yalda Zamani/Berlin We are so proud to see the name of one of the best of artists whom we have ever worked with, and this is a joy to introduce Hadi Bastani (composer, sound artist and anthropologist) again and to promote his very recent collaborative performance with Yalda Zamani, it Read more…