Against all odds, discriminations, wars, killings and whatever unjust.

Tag: FarsiPodcast

“Noise Conference” is a set of promotion podcast for the all-female composers’ compilation in 2021, it is co-produced with the contemporary music magazine in Iran. As we are going to interview each of the composers who contributed to this collection on a weekly basis. This eight Podcast (an artist-interview) is dedicated to a conversation with Read more…

“Noise Conference” is a set of promotion podcast for the all-female composers’ compilation in 2021 (in Farsi, except for an interview with Leonie Roessler.), it is co-produced with the contemporary music magazine in Iran. As we are going to interview each of the composers who contributed to this collection on a weekly basis. We are Read more…

“Noise Conference” is a set of promotion podcast for the all-female composers’ compilation in 2021, it is co-produced with the contemporary music magazine in Iran. As we are going to interview each of the composers who contributed to this collection on a weekly basis. In the first podcast (all in Farsi except for the seventh podcast Read more…