Noise à Noise 21.2-2
Bandcamp pre-order ends on August 10th, 2021
“This is Independent Music”
Here is Tehran. We are going to present our second set of compilation albums in 2021. This double-disk compilation album is a part of a series of quarterly sets that has hosted artistic experimental music since January in 2019. The last compilation included electroacoustic pieces and pieces with more of a contemporary classical touch. This edition also comes in two disks: The first disk features contemporary classical music, while the second is dedicated to experimental [electronic] music. A wide range of artists, from academically trained professionals to experimental musicians, present music that departs from clichés associated with these genres.
Independent music, which is by definition involving the release and publication of music pieces independently from commercial record-labels and its subsidiaries, is nowadays the subject of many discussions in Iran. The term is often misapplied to live-acts that barely or never produce and publish their works through a label, or they do publish on an established label and have a number of sponsors and supporters. Noise a Noise is by definition a truly independent and artist-run label and community for experimental and noise music artists, especially for those who have a bond with the culture or in general to the art-scene in Iran, with no official supporters but a small circle of artists.
This compilation was produced during spring of 2021 and is now scheduled for a simultaneous release. Please note that there will be a pre-order on LONO (in Iran) and Bandcamp, while the worldwide release comes on iTunes, Spotify and similar online music distribution platforms afterward. Please don’t forget to support or to spread the word!
Lineup for the second side includes: Robbert van Hulzen (NL), Jesus Valenti (IT), Zhoobin Askarieh (IR), Suicide Twin (IR), Mnemonic (IR), Ali Sasha, RCO (DE/GR).
Our production partners are Arman Moghadam, our visual designer and ‘Studio A Tehran’ (for the post-production) in addition to ‘Klangteppich’, our new collaborating festival for Iranian Diaspora in Germany, ‘Lono’ our distributor for physical material in Iran, and the Contemporary Music Magazine.